Awesome themes to make a statement in your home!

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Even though you adore your home, there is a lingering feeling that something is missing. Perhaps you wish to add a splash of colours, or include elements that will have your personality. But still, you look around and wonder how it will be to make a statement with you home decoration.

Have you ever thought to choose an awesome theme? Scenes from your favourite movie can jump out of the screen into your living room, your favourite book character can come out of the pages and decorate your bedroom or the skyscrapers and landscape of your dream city can become a font on your walls.  

And you can always mix and match awesome themes. There is no written rule that states Harry Potter cannot live in a Parisian suburb. Perhaps, there are some mixes that aesthetically should be avoided, but that’s up to you to decide.

Nevertheless, today we decided to give you 6 awesome themes that will make a statement in your home!

Be inspired by your favorite movie

We have all spent endless hours watching our favourite movies, thinking that their fictional realities will be a perfect match for the home decor.  Well, it’s time to put thoughts into action. One way to take a movie out of the TV, is by choosing your favourite scene.

With set designers summarising their extensive work down to one frame, you will only need to pause the movie and replicate the scene. Another way to make a themed home out of seventh art is by introducing to the décor the general spirit of your favourite movie. 

For example, in the image above, one can observe how the kid's bedroom has been transformed into a pirate den as an homage to a certain Pirates in Caribbean movie. It blends fantasy with reality beautifully, doesn’t it?

Splash around your favorite colour

At some point in time, you had a fleeting thought to splash your favourite colour all over your home. For some reason though, you held back. Well it’s time to embrace your impulsive thoughts and make a theme in your home with your favourite colour.

Before though jumping deep into paints, there are a few simple colour psychology tips we can offer that might come in handy. Bright colours, with vibrant shades of green, blue, yellow and orange, are considered expansive that encourage communication. They will be a great combination for the living room or the kitchen.  

Dark colours, red, purple, blue and dark shades of green can become beacons of comfort and security if they are used in the right place. Cold colours, such as icy blues and green, convey a relaxing atmosphere. Hence, depending on the use of a specific area, a different colour that falls within your favourite list can be applied. In the image above, the theme is lime green, splashed from textiles to furniture.

Celebrate a beloved book

Similarly with your favourite movie, making a theme after your favourite book gives you the opportunity to bring to life those magical universes the sparked a flame in your heart. Harry Potter fans will have a field day by redecorating their home to resemble the enchanted castle of Hogwarts.

A simple way to fill your home with your literary taste is to bring into to life the lines from a page. Books, usually, can become very vivid in their descriptions, so it wouldn't be hard to interpret the fictional world into your home. 

Artefacts or little doll characters from the book can take up spots around the rooms, either on desk drawers or shelves. Or, as in the image, a wall can be tattooed with your favourite character in a scene that has been entrenched to memory or simply his façade looking upon the living room in a spectacular blend of pop art.

Be inspired by a concept

For a themed home, there is always a choice of staying faithful to a concept, whether that will be sexy, chilled or relaxed. To create either of these concepts though, attention must be placed on lighting, furniture, textiles and colour schemes.

For example, in a sexy atmosphere one will need the soft glimmer of candlelight and the slippery touch of satin sheets in hues of purple or red. Mirrors can also become great additions in the bedroom for playful nights.

For a relaxed concept, one will need the chilling reddish light of LED bulbs, while the walls and textiles take soothing tones in accents of pale blue, beige or brown. Of course, a relaxed concept will also need a dedicate area for a chill out session by the window, with a classic armchair or a chaise lounge as the furniture of choice.

Welcome the natural environment inside

Last but not least, a trendy theme will be to dress your home with nature’s vibes.  There are literary a million options for a nature themed house. Sometimes, natural objects in interesting shapes, like a twisting branch, will suffice.  You can always incorporate colours that are frequently observed in nature, such as ivory, white or green, on your walls or textiles.

The image is a great example on how the wall was dressed in green, with little songsters and colourful blossoms on the background to reanimate a natural environment. For those with a rustic taste, taxidermy and antlers can take a spot on your walls.

You can also display corals and shells in trays or bowls, giving a coastal feel to your home. Nature can become a form of art in your home decoration, with simple installations that happen to fall on a forest floor, pebbles and shells that are found in sea, or colourful blends of flowers that bring a bright and fresh look.

Decorating your home with a themed concept behind will prove to be a daring and exhilarating effort, as your home will take the form of your dreams. And since our dreams are usually unique, so too your home will become one of a kind!

Want to decorate but saving for Christmas? You should check out: Brilliant Tips For Budget Decorating.

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